The Gang left without me for Mt. Dulang-Dulang. I was in Macau... how could they do this me! While they sip their wine staring at the starry night, i am drinking my beer getting dizzy with the glittering lights of Lisboa. Totally Unfair!!!
They trekked the mountain trail led by the Pied Piper while I huffed and puffed catching the trains and ferry that will take me back to Hong Kong. These people are my friends they say...huh! I am sourgraping alright, but who would'nt? The pictures they showed were AWESOME to say the least and they even managed to smile doing this while i bit my lips in envy grrrrg. I am a Happy Camper, but camping in Macau is not funny while the Gang is having a grand time at the summit of Mt. Dulang-Dulang!!!